- Station id: Identifier of the logger unit
- Upload delay: Interval in seconds between uploading data to server
- Measurement delay: Interval in seconds between measurements
- Heartbeat delay: Delay in seconds after powering up and before first measurement
- Modem PIN: PIN code of SIM card
- Remote server: Server where data is uploaded
- Remote host name: Same as remote server
- apn: Access point name, depends on operator, "internet" for Sonera
- 5V-VREF, 12V, 24V pup: Time in seconds which the power is on before reading the measurements. If 0 then that power source isn't used. If different times is specified, longest of them will be used for all.
- Measurements
- Choose at least one I/O pin and a mode
- Mode: are we measuring voltage, current or digital pulses of the sensor
- Description: will be shown on logger terminal and in the script. For example name of the sensor and units
Example configuration:
Final script will be here.